A&M Auto Body Inc.

A&M Auto Body Inc.


Auto Repair/Maintenance/Parts

About Us

Angelo’s story… his love of helping people and cars
Deep experience taking care of the Boston community
“There are times we’re at the shop late. We will wait for a customer if they call us later in the day. We provide towing, we handle the rental car process, we try to be a full service, one-stop shop. It’s all about making the process as seamless as possible for our customers.”

Angelo’s father started A&M Auto Body Inc. in 1982. It was located in a shop inside another building called Ben’s Auto Body located in East Boston. He started with a partner. In the beginning they were Alex and Matteo – that’s how “A&M” was born. Within a year Matteo left the business, so Alex decided to go ahead with the business on his own.

Angelo’s father came from humble beginnings to owning his own shop. That did not come without really hard work. That work ethic has carried over to today with Angelo running the business.

David, Angelo’s nephew, started working at the company 15 years ago and, with Angelo’s guidance, has gradually taken on more leadership in the daily running of the shop. He aims to expand the family business and hopes to open more locations.


Experience The A&M Way
Insurance Work Only
We Take All Car Insurance
Servicing All Makes & Models
Complimentary Detailing Included With Every Repair


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