Brian S. McCarthy Memorial Foundation
Non-Profit & Service Organizations
About Us
Did you ever look up at the stars and wonder what it would be like to soar through space? Or marvel at news of the latest human feat of engineering? Have you ever said ''I wish there were an app for that!''?
At the Brian S. McCarthy Memorial Foundation, we believe that curiosity is the spark that creates a bright future. The Brian S. McCarthy Memorial Foundation provides funding for STEM (Science -Technology - Engineering - Mathematics) education and programming in the Greater Nashua community. When you donate to our Foundation, you are:
* Helping high school students fund their college education in a STEM major
* Supporting extra-curricular programs to ignite a passion for STEM in our community's youth and adults alike
* Expanding the impact of existing programs to educate, inspire, and support the next generation of STEM leaders
The late Brian McCarthy, a long time Nashua alderman and community leader, demonstrated an unwavering commitment to both public education and the sciences throughout his storied career. His foundation aims to continue his legacy by fostering that same passion in our community for generations to come.
The Future is Bright!